Facts About Animals In The Ocean

01 Whales are the worlds largest animals.
Facts about animals in the ocean. The study of animals and other elements of marine biology dates back to Aristotle who lived from 384 to 322 BC. 04 The 2 main types of whales are toothed and baleen. Seabirds get their primary source of food from the ocean and are specially adapted to live and hunt near water.
Seeing as water makes up most of the planet this means that most of Earth exists in absolute darkness all the time. Tropical and temperate waters. Facts about Marine Animals refer to the animals which live in the ocean.
Ocean animals include animals plants and other various organisms. We looked at how fish and sharks move their tail fins from side to side but whales move their tail fins up and down. In fact the oceans contain 99 of the living space on the planet.
The most common vertebrate an animal with a backbone on Earth is the bristlemouth a tiny ocean fish that glows in the dark and has needlelike fangs. Animals such as oysters mussels and clams are bivalves. The evolutionary paths of these complicated animals finds them crawling out of the prehistoric ocean onto dry land as cold-bloodied creatures hundreds of millions of years ago.
After knowing these hopefully that you can more respect about the existence of ocean ecosystems. But its an incredible 94 per cent of the Earths living species that exist within the oceans. Facts About Animals In The Ocean.
A shrimps heart is in their head. Seahorses are the only animals in which the male not the female gives birth and care for their young. Finally those are complete explanation and further information about Endangered Animals in The Ocean world.