Cat Breed With Folded Down Ears

The Scottish Fold cat can trace its origins back to a cat named Susie.
Cat breed with folded down ears. We brought him to the vet two weeks ago for another minor issue and she checked out his ears and everything looked good. This breed of cat was named Scottish Folded in the year 1966. Jump to navigation Jump to search.
From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Again they can be different depending on the breed. Even with its folded ears there are no special diseases or hearing problems with the Scottish Fold.
Not every Scottish Fold cat is born with the folded ears. Its normal for poorly bred kittens to have their ears come back up and are usually then mistaken as Scottish Straights which can cause lots of problems because when two cats with the fold-gene are mated they may get sick kittens because they get double amount of the. This backwards flattening of the ears of non-Scottish Folds transmits to other cats that they are in fight mode and that the other cat should take heed and beware.
The Scottish Fold is a calm and loving cat that works well with other animals including dogs and would do well in any household. CategoryCat breeds and types with bent ears. There isnt only one type of folded ears.
The tightly folded-down ears of this rare breed and its shorthaired relative are due to a genetic mutation seen in no other cat. The first known Scottish Fold cat was discovered on a farm in Perthshire which is in the Tayside region in Scotland in 1961. Scottish Folds are well-known for having forward-facing folded-down ears.
From the cats point of view the folded ears are unable to communicate the usual mood signals seen when a cat becoming angry or scared starts to flatten its ears for fighting. They are a medium sized cat with a rounded body. The breed has a natural gene mutation that affects the ears cartilage causing it to fold forward.