Can Cats Eat Avocado

There are a ton of different fruits and vegetables that your cat should avoid but fortunately avocado isnt one of them.
Can cats eat avocado. Persin can be toxic and even fatal to. Cats can eat the ripe fruit of the avocado. But can cats have avocado.
If your cats or dog eat small amounts of persin it wont become life-threatening. The fruits flesh is safe but the pit and skin contain persin and are toxic to cats. Why arent avocados safe for cats.
And in fact there are some great benefits to doing so. Most importantly avocado is fats-rich as well as amino acid and vitamin E A and B6. However it could create some serious issues if they get a hefty dose.
Acknowledging the superfood status of avocados many experts are now suggesting adding avocados into the cat diet. Obese cats should avoid avocado- its very calorific. So avocados are healthyno doubt about it.
The Pet Poison Helpline lists avocado as mildly toxic to cats due to persin which is found in the leaves bark and seed. Keep reading to find out. Knowing that avocados are not poisonous to cats you must be eager to feed your cat some avocado flesh.
Sadly kitties cant enjoy our favorite creamy vitamin E treats but there are so many amazing kitty suitable foods out there they are unlikely to miss out much at all. Can Cats Eat Avocado. Not only can cats eat avocado but they can also enjoy some of the same health benefits the plant offers to humans.