Advocate For Cats Uk

In cats Advocate Small Cats is used to treat and kill fleas mange ear mites Otodectes and intestinal worms hookworms and roundworms.
Advocate for cats uk. Easy To Use w Precise Results. Each treatment kills Fleas Hookworms Roundworms Heartworm and Otodectes ear mites. Though heartworms are rare in cats recently there has been a growth in the number of heartworm cases.
Advocate may be used on dogs and puppies from 7 weeks weighing at least 22 pounds 1 kg. Advocate Spot-on Solution for Large Cats is a broad spectrum combined flea and worm treatment. Available in 3 pack and 6 pack.
Advocate small cats is a prescription spot on treatment suitable for cats under 4kgs and can be used on ferrets. Get The Most Accurate Easy To Use Products To Keep Your Pets Glucose Levels In Check. Imidacloprid 80mg and moxidectin 8mg.
Advocate has not been tested as safe for use on pregnant or lactating animals. The treatment is also very effective in preventing heartwormsDirofilaria immitis in cats. Advocate for Cats is available in two sizes Advocate for Small Cats if you cat weighs under 4Kg and Advocate for Large Cats if your cat weighs over 4Kg and less than 8Kg.
One treatment of Advocate for cats treats any existing infestation and prevents future flea infestations for 4 weeks. For cats larger than 8kg use the appropriate combination of Advocate for cat pipettes. Advocate Spot On for the use in cats and dogs suffering from or at risk from mixed parasitic infections such as ear mite infestation flea infestation and heartworm treatment.
Get The Most Accurate Easy To Use Products To Keep Your Pets Glucose Levels In Check. A dose of Advocate for Cats was administered to my cat by the Vet duriong a routine yearly check. Advocate for Cats Spot-on Flea Worm Treatment.